Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

5276 members found

Victor Igreja, Senior Lecturer
University of Southern Queensland
School of Humanities and Communications

Nobuko IKEDA, Professor
Rikkyo University
College of Intercultural Communication

Andrew Iliadis, Assistant Professor
Temple University
Klein College of Media and Communication

Cornelia Ilie, Professor
Malmo University
Department of Culture and Society

Krista Hamlen Imbesi, Associate Professor
Messiah College
Department of Communication

Wendy Imel, Adjunct Professor
Florida International University
Department of Communication

David Impellizzeri, Assistant Professor
Regent University
School of Communication & the Arts

Christine Ingersoll, Associate Professor
Marshall University
School of Journalism and Mass Communications

Valerie Inglis, Professor
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
College of Journalism and Mass Communications

Michael Ingram, Professor
Whitworth University
Department of Communication Studies

Bjorn Ingvoldstad, Professor
Bridgewater State University
Department of Communication Studies

Jeff Inman, Assistant Professor
Drake University
School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Robert Innerst, Professor
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Department of Communication-Journalism

York College Pennsylvania
Department of Humanities

Frank P. Irizarry, Adjunct Lecturer
Regis College
Department of Communications


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