Peter Jaroff, Assistant Professor Temple University
Klein College of Media and Communication
Seth Jarvis, Adjunct Professor Champlain College
Division of Communication & Creative Media
Leigh Anne Jasheway, Instructor University of Oregon
School of Journalism and Communication
Michael Jasper, Associate Professor Elizabeth City State University
Department of Language, Literature, and Communication
Hayes Javette, Professor California State University, Fullerton
Department of Human Communication Studies
Leena Jayaswal, Professor American University
School of Communication
Ollie Jefferson, Instructor Montgomery College (Takoma Park Campus)
Department of ELAP, Linguistics & Communication Studies
Courtland Jeffrey, Adjunct Professor Arizona State University at the Downtown Phoenix Campus
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Daniel Halpern Jelin, Professor Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Facultad de Comunicaciones
Benjamin Jelter, Adjunct Professor Champlain College
Division of Communication & Creative Media
Barbara Jenkins, Professor Wilfrid Laurier University
Department of Communication Studies
Theodore Jenkins, Assistant Professor Rhode Island College
Department of Communication
ELAINE B. JENKS, Professor West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Department of Communication Studies and Media
John K. Jennings, Emeritus Professor Washington & Lee University
Department of Journalism and Mass Communications
Marcel Jennings, Assistant Professor Virginia Commonwealth University
Richard T. Robertson School of Media and Culture