Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

5276 members found

Siew-Fang Law, Senior Lecturer
Victoria University
School of Communication, Culture and Languages

Christine Lawrence, Assistant Professor
American University
School of Communication

Regina Lawrence, Professor
University of Oregon
School of Journalism and Communication

Shawna Lawrence
Syracuse University
S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications

West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Department of Communication Studies and Media

Lydia Lay, Instructor
LeMoyne-Owen College
Department of Journalism and Mass Communications

Tania Layden, Lecturer
The University of Queensland
Department of Communication and Cultural Studies

Bonnie Layton, Senior Lecturer
Indiana University, Bloomington
The Media School

Stephen Layton, Senior Lecturer
Indiana University, Bloomington
The Media School

Susan Layton, Associate Professor
Geneva College
Department of Communication

Natalie Lazaroo, Lecturer
The University of Queensland
Department of Communication and Cultural Studies

Le Le, Lecturer
The University of Queensland
Department of Communication and Cultural Studies

Alexandre LE GAL
Universite de Montreal
Department of Communication

Jan Leach, Associate Professor
Kent State University
School of Journalism and Mass Communication

John Leach, Adjunct Professor
Arizona State University at the Downtown Phoenix Campus
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication


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