Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

5276 members found

Patrick A. Luster, Instructor
Prairie View A&M University
Department of Languages & Communication

Natalya Lusty, Professor
University of Melbourne
School of Culture and Communication

Regina Luttrell, Assistant Professor
Syracuse University
S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications

Thomas Luttrell, Associate Lecturer
Curtin University of Technology
Department of Communication & Cultural Studies

Thomas Lux, Professor
Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Literature, Communication, and Culture

May O. Lwin, Assistant Professor
Nanyang Technological University
Division of Public and Promotional Communication

Zachariah Lyman
State University of New York College at Brockport
Department of Communication

Michael Lynch, Adjunct Lecturer
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Department of Language, Literature, and Communication

SABRINA LYNCH, Adjunct Professor
Manhattan College
Department of Communication

Krista Geneviève Lynes, Assistant Professor
Concordia University
Communication Studies

Alex Lyon, Professor
State University of New York College at Brockport
Department of Communication

Lee Lyons, Professor
California Baptist University
Department of Communication Arts

Courtney Lyons-Garcia, Lecturer
Texas State University-San Marcos
School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Barry Lyrse, Adjunct Professor
California State University, Long Beach
Department of Communication Studies

Suzanne Lysak, Associate Professor
Syracuse University
S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications


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