Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

5276 members found

Michael McCluskey, Associate Professor
University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
Department of Communication

Christopher McConville , Lecturer
Victoria University
School of Communication, Culture and Languages

JEREMY MCCOOL, Assistant Professor
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Department of Communication Studies and Media

Janet McCormick, Associate Professor
Middle Tennessee State University
Department of Communication Studies

Janet K. McCormick, Associate Professor
Middle Tennessee State University
Department of Communication Studies

Jason McCormick, Professor
University of Mississippi
Edwin and Becky Meek School of Journalism and New Media

Nance McCown, Professor
Messiah College
Department of Communication

Rebecca McCoy-Reese, Adjunct Professor
Regent University
School of Communication & the Arts

Chelsea McCracken, Assistant Professor
State University of New York College at Oneonta
Department of Communication & Media

Thomas McCray, Emeritus Associate Professor
Buffalo State College, State University of New York
Department of Communication

Lynda McCroskey, Adjunct Professor
California State University, Long Beach
Department of Communication Studies

Lynda L. McCroskey, Professor
California State University, Long Beach
Department of Communication Studies

Tomi McCutchen, Instructor
University of Tennessee, Martin
Department of Communications

Edwin R. McDANIEL, Lecturer
San Diego State University
Department of Communication

Ryan L. McDaniel, Instructor
Eastern Illinois University
Department of Communication Studies


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