Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

5276 members found

Wendy Melillo Farrill, Associate Professor
American University
School of Communication

Andrew Melville, Lecturer
Auckland University of Technology
School of Communication Studies

Rita Linjuan Men, Associate Professor
University of Florida
College of Journalism and Communications

Anne-Marie Ménard, Lecturer
Universite de Sherbrooke
Department of Communication

Robin Menard
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
Department of Communications

Norman Mendiola, Instructor
California State University, Fullerton
Department of Human Communication Studies

Michelle Menjivar, Lecturer
California State University, Northridge
Department of Communication Studies

Sarah Menke-Fish, Assistant Professor
American University
School of Communication

Tarryn Mento, Adjunct Professor
Syracuse University
S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications

Alexandra Merceron, Lecturer
Columbia University
Department of Strategic Communication

Kevin Mercuri, Professor
Emerson College
Department of Communication Studies

Maureen Meredith, Associate Lecturer
Curtin University of Technology
Department of Communication & Cultural Studies

Madeline Merenda, Lecturer
Curry College
Department of Communication

Rebecca Merkin, Professor
CUNY Bernard M. Baruch College
Department of Communication Studies

JEFF MERKOW, Instructor
California State University, Fullerton
Department of Communications


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