Bill Schafer, Professor University of Nebraska, Lincoln
College of Journalism and Mass Communications
Evan Mitchell Schares, Assistant Professor Villanova University
Department of Communication
Jennifer Scharlach, Lecturer Texas State University-San Marcos
School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Robert Scheer, Instructor Indiana University, Bloomington
The Media School
Bradford Schiff, Professor Emerson College
Department of Communication Studies
Kristine Schiffbauer, Instructor Waynesburg University
Department of Communication
Jeffrey Schindel, Assistant Professor Geneva College
Department of Communication
Lydia Schindler, Professor American University
School of Communication
Joseph Schloss, Professor CUNY Bernard M. Baruch College
Department of Communication Studies
Howard Schlossberg, Adjunct Professor Arizona State University at the Downtown Phoenix Campus
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Qi Schlupp, Professor Villanova University
Department of Communication