Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

5276 members found

MEGAN SCHRAEDLEY, Assistant Professor
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Department of Communication Studies and Media

Joseph Schreck, Adjunct Professor
Monmouth University
Department of Communication

Joanna Schroeder, Lecturer
Iowa State University
Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication

Susan C. Schulman, Lecturer
Buffalo State College, State University of New York
Department of Communication

William Schulte, Assistant Professor
Winthrop University
Department of Mass Communication

Gene Schultz, Professor
Kent State University
School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Nicole Schultz, Associate Professor
University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire
Department of Communication and Journalism

Lucy Schultze, Adjunct Instructor
University of Mississippi
Edwin and Becky Meek School of Journalism and New Media

David Schulz, Professor
Concordia University, Irvine California
Department of Communication Studies

Nicole Schuman, Instructor
Mercy College
Department of Humanities

Tim Schwab, Assistant Professor
Concordia University
Communication Studies

Amy Schwarb, Instructor
Indiana University, Bloomington
The Media School

Laurence Schwartz, Senior Instructor
Mercy College
Department of Humanities

Rod Schwartz, Professor
University of Maryland, College Park
Department of Communication

Bryan Schwartzman
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
Department of Engagement Communications


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