Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

5276 members found

GARY WOJTAS, Adjunct Professor
Manhattan College
Department of Communication

Timothy Wolcott, Lecturer
San Francisco State University
Department of Communication Studies

John Wolf
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Department of Dean`s Office

Katie Wollman, Assistant Professor
Loyola University Maryland
Department of Communication

Andrew D. Wolvin, Professor
University of Maryland, College Park
Department of Communication

Brenda Womble, Instructor
North Carolina Central University
Department of Mass Communication

Jonathan Woney, Senior Instructor
Mercy College
Department of Humanities

Alynna Li-Vy Wong, Lecturer
The University of Queensland
Department of Communication and Cultural Studies

Caroline Wong, Adjunct Professor
Concordia University, Irvine California
Department of Communication Studies

Michael Wong, Professor
Arizona State University at the Downtown Phoenix Campus
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Naaman Wood, Assistant Professor
Redeemer University
Department of Media and Communication Studies

Robert Wood, Associate Professor
Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Literature, Communication, and Culture

Emory H. Woodard, Associate Professor
Villanova University
Department of Communication

Marguerite Woodard, Assistant Professor
Hampton University
School of Journalism & Communications

Ryan Woodcock, Adjunct Professor
Arizona State University at the Downtown Phoenix Campus
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication


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