Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

5276 members found

Brenton Woodrow, Adjunct Professor
Champlain College
Division of Communication & Creative Media

Carly S. Woods, Assistant Professor
University of Maryland, College Park
Department of Communication

Denise Woods, Lecturer
Curtin University of Technology
Department of Communication & Cultural Studies

Richard Woods, Professor
CUNY Bernard M. Baruch College
Department of Communication Studies

Louise Woodstock, Associate Professor
Ursinus College
Department of Media and Communication Studies

PANG Su Woon, Lecturer
Nanyang Technological University
Division of Communication Research

Mary Worley, Assistant Professor
University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire
Department of Communication and Journalism

Nancy E. Worthington, Professor
Quinnipiac University
School of Communications

Dave Wozniak, Professor
Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications

Jason Wrench, Professor
State University of New York, New Paltz
Department of Communication

Alexis Wright, Professor
University of Melbourne
School of Culture and Communication

Courtney Wright, Assistant Professor
Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications

David Wright, Associate Professor
Drake University
School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Donald K. Wright, Professor
Boston University
Department of Mass Communication, Advertising & Public Relations

JERRY WRIGHT, Instructor
California State University, Fullerton
Department of Communications


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