Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

22688 members found

McGill University
Department of English

Marie Borroff, Emeritus Professor
Yale University
Department of English

Carlin Borsheim-Black, Professor
Central Michigan University
Department of English Language and Literature

ALLAN GREGORY BORST, Assistant Professor
University of Utah
Department of English

Adeline Borti, Professor
Grand Valley State University
Department of English

Marianne Boruch, Professor
Purdue University
Department of English

Matthew C. Borushko, Professor
Stonehill College
Department of English

Daniel Borzutzky, Associate Professor
University of Illinois, Chicago
Department of English

Maurizia Boscagli, Associate Professor
University of California, Santa Barbara
Department of English

Anna Bosch, Associate Professor
University of Kentucky
Department of English

Tina Boscha, Instructor
University of Oregon
Department of English

Robert Boschman, Professor
Mount Royal University
Department of English

Mark Bosco, Assistant Professor Of English And Theology
Loyola University, Chicago
Department of English

Ronald A. Bosco, Distinguished Professor
State University of New York at Albany
Department of English

Dev Bose, Associate Professor
University of Arizona
Department of English


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