Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

22688 members found

Sydney Bryant, Instructor
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Department of English

Timothy J. Bryant, Associate Professor
Buffalo State College, State University of New York
English Department

Kristy Bryant-Berg, Senior Instructor
University of Oregon
Department of English

Diana Brydon, Professor
University of Manitoba
Department of English

Jackson Bryer, Emeritus Professor
University of Maryland, College Park
Department of English

Thora Brylowe, Associate Professor
University of Colorado at Boulder
Department of English

Thora P. Brylowe , Visiting Assistant Professor
Trinity College, Hartford Connecticut
Department of English

Christopher Bryson, Visiting Lecturer
University of Illinois, Chicago
Department of English

Jeanette Bryson, Assistant Professor
Andrews University
Department of English

Michael Bryson, Assistant Professor
California State University, Northridge
Department of English

Rachel Bryson, Instructor
Utah State University
Department of English

Sherry Bryson, Instructor
Waynesburg University
Department of English & Foreign Languages

Tracy Bryson, Lecturer
Purdue University
Department of English

Max Brzezinski, Visiting Assistant Professor
Wake Forest University
Department of English

Katharine Bubel, Assistant Professor
Trinity Western University
Department of English


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