Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

22688 members found

Terrell H. Crouch, Lecturer
University of Maine
Department of English

David Crouse, Professor
University of Washington
Department of English

Joanna Crouse, Lecturer
University of Maine
Department of English

Andy Crow, Assistant Professor
Boston College
Department of English

Mary Crow, Emeritus Professor
Colorado State University
Department of English

Nora F. Crow, Professor
Smith College
Department of English Language and Literature

Martha B. Crowe, Assistant Professor
East Tennessee State University
Department of English

Rani Deighe Crowe, Associate Professor
Ball State University
Department of English

Stanley Crowe, Professor
Furman University
Department of English

Doug Crowell, Associate Professor
Texas Tech University
Department of English

Ellen Crowell, Assistant Professor
Saint Louis University
Department of English

Steven Crowell, Instructor
University of Rochester
Department of English

Wright State University
Department of English

James Crowley, Professor
Bridgewater State University
Department of English

John Crowley, Lecturer
Yale University
Department of English


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