Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

22688 members found

Skidmore College
Department of English

Desiree Dighton, Assistant Professor
East Carolina University
Department of English

Mark DiGiacomo
Rutgers University
Rutgers English Language Institute

Erika DiGirolamo, Adjunct Professor
University of New Haven
Department of English

Jennifer DiGrazia, Professor
Westfield State University
Department of English

Lyn DiIorio, Associate Professor
City University of New York--City College
Department of English

Maria Dikcis, Professor
Harvard University
Department of English and Amrican Literature and Language

M.M Dikobe, Lecturer
University of Botswana
Department of English

Bradley Dilger, Professor
Purdue University
Department of English

Stephen John Dilks, Associate Professor
University of Missouri--Kansas City
Department of English

LISA DILL, Adjunct Professor
University of Delaware
Department of English

Arwen Dillard, Assistant Professor
Judson College, Marion AL
Department of English

Jacqueline Marie Dillion, Assistant Professor
Pepperdine University
Division of Humanities

Kathy Dillion, Professor
Harding University
Department of English Language & Literature

Elizabeth Maddock Dillon, Associate Professor
Northeastern University
Department of English


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