Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

22688 members found

Michael T Dillon, Instructor
Syracuse University
Department of English

Steven C. Dillon, Professor
Bates College
Department of English

Tracy Dillon, Professor
Portland State University
Department of English

Leah Dilworth, Professor
Long Island University
Department of English

Sharon Dilworth, Associate Professor
Carnegie Mellon University
Department of English

Daniella Dimaggio, Professor
City University of New York--Queens College
Department of English

Kenneth DiMaggio, Instructor
Central Connecticut State University
Department of English

Sarah Dimick, Assistant Professor
Harvard University
Department of English and Amrican Literature and Language

Aristides Dimitriou, Assistant Professor
Gettysburg College
Department of English

Lewis Dimmick, Lecturer
CUNY College of Staten Island
Department of English

Meghan Dimmick, Adjunct Professor
Trent University
Department of English Literature

Grace Dimodugno, Adjunct Professor
Southern Connecticut State University
Department of English

Grace DiModugno, Adjunct Professor
University of New Haven
Department of English

Patti DiMond, Instructor
University of South Dakota
Department of English

Rebecca Dimyan, Adjunct Professor
Southern Connecticut State University
Department of English


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