Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

22688 members found

Joseph DiNallo, Instructor
University of Louisiana, Lafayette
Department of English

Simon Fraser University
Department of English

Jeremy Dineen, Instructor
Idaho State University
Department of English & Philosophy

Joel Dinerstein, Assistant Professor
Tulane University
Department of English

Huiling Ding, Professor
North Carolina State University
Department of English

Yitong Ding, Professor
CUNY Bernard M. Baruch College
Department of Department Of English

Rebecca Dingo, Professor
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Department of English

Fred Dings, Associate Professor
University of South Carolina
Department of English Language and Literatures

Thaomi Michelle Dinh, Instructor
University of Chicago
Department of English

VIET DINH, Assistant Professor
University of Delaware
Department of English

Susan Dinitz, Lecturer
University of Vermont
Department of English

Sade Dinkins, Adjunct Professor
Wagner College
Department of English

Melissa Dinsman, Associate Professor
York College
Department of English

Eric H Dinsmore, Lecturer
California State University, Northridge
Department of English

Mark L. Dintenfass, Professor
Lawrence University
Department of English


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