Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

22688 members found

Sheila Donohue, Lecturer
University of Western Ontario
Department of English

DEVIN DONOVAN, Associate Professor
University of Virginia
Department of English

DEVIN DONOVAN, Associate Professor
University of Virginia
Department of English

Josephine Donovan, Emeritus Professor
University of Maine
Department of English

Kathleen Donovan, Professor
South Dakota State University
Department of English

Kevin Donovan, Professor
Middle Tennessee State University
Department of English

Matt Donovan, Professor
Smith College
Department of English Language and Literature

Richard Donovan, Professor
Kansai University
Department of English Linguistics and Literature

Stewart Donovan, Professor
St. Thomas University
English Language & Literature

Tessla Donovan, Adjunct Professor
University of Connecticut
Department of English

Timothy Donovan, Associate Professor
Northeastern University
Department of English

Will Donovan, Instructor
Idaho State University
Department of English & Philosophy

Rice University
Department of English

Warren Doody, Professor
Vanguard University of Southern California
Department of English

Khirsten Doolan, Instructor
University of Louisiana, Lafayette
Department of English


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