Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

11766 members found

Lisa Featherstone, Professor
The University of Queensland
School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics

David Fedman, Assistant Professor
University of California, Irvine
Department of History

Jan Fedorowicz, Lecturer
Carleton University
Department of History

Michael Feener, Associate Professor
National University of Singapore
Department of History

Andrew Feffer, Professor
Union College
Department of History

Jill R Fehleison, Professor
Quinnipiac University
Department of History

Siyen Fei, Assistant Professor
University of Pennsylvania
Department of History

Steven Feierman, Professor
University of Pennsylvania
Department of History

Crystal Feimster, Associate Professor
Yale University
Department of History

Gene Fein, Lecturer
State University of New York College at Purchase
Department of History

Harvey Feinberg, Emeritus Professor
Southern Connecticut State University
Department of History

Michaela Feinberg, Instructor
Yale University
Department of History

James R. Felak, Associate Professor
University of Washington
Department of History

Yaari Felber-Seligman, Instructor
City University of New York--City College
Department of History

Ilana Feldman, Professor
George Washington University
Department of History


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