Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

11766 members found

Alan Friedlander, Emeritus Professor
Southern Connecticut State University
Department of History

Saul Friedlander, Professor
University of California, Los Angeles
Department of History

Andrea Friedman, Associate Professor
Washington University in St. Louis
Department of History

Andrew Friedman, Associate Professor
Haverford College
Department of History

Jonathan C. Friedman, Professor
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Department of History

Larry Friedman, Emeritus Professor
Indiana University
Department of History

Michal Friedman, Assistant Professor
Carnegie Mellon University
Department of History

Rebecca Friedman, Assistant Professor
Florida International University
Department of History

Sara Friedman, Lecturer
Northeastern University
Department of History

Yvonne Friedman, Professor
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan
Department of Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology

Jake Friefeld, Lecturer
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Department of History

Craig Friend, Associate Professor
North Carolina State University
Department of History

John Friend, Assistant Professor
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Department of History

Cathy A. Frierson, Professor
University of New Hampshire
Department of History

Abraham Friesen, Emeritus Professor
University of California, Santa Barbara
Department of History


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