Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

7662 members found

Gene Curtis, Adjunct Instructor
Multnomah Bible College and Biblical Seminary
Multnomah Bible College and Biblical Seminary

Elizabeth Cuskelly, Lecturer
University of Southern Queensland
School of Humanities and Communications

Katrina Cutcliffe, Lecturer
University of Southern Queensland
School of Humanities and Communications

Darcy Cutler, Instructor
Douglas College
Department of Philosophy and Humanities

Christopher Cutting, Instructor
Wilfrid Laurier University
Department of Global Studies

Katia Cytryn-Silverman, Professor
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Department of Classical Archaeology

Naomi D'Alessio, Assistant Professor
Nova Southeastern University
Department of Dean`s Office

Paul D'Anieri, Professor
University of Florida
Department of Dean`s Office

LUCA D'ANSELMI, Assistant Professor
Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary-Overbrook
Department of Humanities

Luciana D'Arcangeli, Senior Lecturer
Flinders University
Discipline of Italian

Alex D'Arcy
University of Victoria
Faculty of Humanities

Brett D'Arcy, Lecturer
Curtin University of Technology
Department of Communication & Cultural Studies

Peter D'Arcy, Lecturer
University of Southern Queensland
School of Humanities and Communications

James D'Emilio, Associate Professor
University of South Florida, Tampa
Department of Humanities and American Studies

Nicholas D'Olimpio, Adjunct Instructor
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Department of Humanities


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