Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

7662 members found

Joseph C. Grana, Professor
Hope International University
College of Ministry and Biblical Studies

Carmen C. Granda, Senior Lecturer
Amherst College
Department of Spanish

Fanny Patricia Granja-Falconi, Instructor
United States Coast Guard Academy
School of Humanities

Carol Grant, Assistant Professor
Coppin State University
Department of Humanities

Grell Grant, Professor
John Abbott College
Department of Humanities

Katrina Grant, Lecturer
Australian National University
Centre for Digital Humanities

Lishelle Grant, Assistant Professor
Azusa Pacific University
Department of Marriage and Family Therapy

Matt Grant, Lecturer
University of Southern Queensland
School of Humanities and Communications

Reg Grant, Senior Professor
Dallas Theological Seminary
Department of Ministry Studies

Adrian Gras-Velazquez, Visiting Lecturer
Amherst College
Department of Spanish

Louis Grasso, Assistant Professor
Mercy College
Department of Humanities

Rosemarye Grasso, Adjunct Lecturer
Boston University
Department of Linguistics

Jerry W. Gravander, Associate Professor
Clarkson University
Department of Dean`s Office

Heather Graves, Emeritus Professor
University of Alberta
Department of English and Film Studies

Kenneth Graves
Harding University
College of Bible and Ministry


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