Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

7662 members found

Yisrael Gutman, Emeritus Professor
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry

Mandy Gutmann-Gonzalez, Associate Professor
Clark University
Department of Dean`s Office

Podoler Guy, Professor
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Department of East Asian Studies

JACQUELINE GUZDA, Adjunct Assistant Professor
New York City College of Technology
Department of Humanities

Jose Guzman, Professor
Lasell College
School of Humanities

Maria Constanza Guzman, Associate Professor
York University
Department of Translation studies

Gal Gvili, Assistant Professor
McGill University
Department of East Asian Studies

D S Gxilishe, Associate Professor
University of Cape Town
School of Languages & Literatures

Kwaku Gyasi, Associate Professor
University of Alabama in Huntsville
Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures

Xiao Ha, Adjunct Lecturer
State University of New York, Stony Brook
Department of Asian & Asian American Studies

Young-Lee Ha, Adjunct Lecturer
University of Waterloo
Department of Culture and Language Studies

Yue Ha, Adjunct Lecturer
University of Waterloo
Department of Culture and Language Studies

Dan Haase, Associate Lecturer
Wheaton College, Wheaton Illinois
Department of Christian Formation and Ministry

Lihi Habas, Professor
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Department of Classical Archaeology

Carole Haber, Professor
Tulane University
Department of Dean`s Office


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