Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

7663 members found

Shane Hall, Associate Professor
Salisbury University
School of Humanities

John S. Haller, Professor Of History And Medical Humanities
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Department of History

Michael R Halleran, Professor
University of Miami
Department of Dean`s Office

Donna Halper, Associate Professor
Lesley University
Department of Humanities

David Halperin, W. H. Auden Collegiate Professor
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Department of English Language and Literature

Baruch Halpern, Chaiken Family Chair
Pennsylvania State University, University Park

Pam Haltom, Lecturer
Tufts University
Department of Romance Studies

Meredith Haluga
Providence College
Department of Humanities

John Halvorsen, Adjunct Professor
College of Saint Rose
School of Arts and Humanities

Sophie Hamacher, Assistant Professor
Maine College of Art
Department of Academic Studies

Yuzuru Hamazaki, Instructor
National University of Singapore
Center for Language Studies

Tahrir Hamdi, Associate Professor
Arab Open University Jordan
Faculty of Language Studies

John Faithful Hamer, Professor
John Abbott College
Department of Humanities

Bob Hamilton, Adjunct Professor
Dickinson College
Department of Humanities

Douglas Hamilton, Professor
University of Connecticut
Department of Dean`s Office


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