Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

7663 members found

Phuong Ho, Lecturer
Curtin University of Technology
Department of Humanities

Tuan Hoang, Associate Professor
Pepperdine University
Division of Humanities

Stuart Hoar, Lecturer
Massey University
Department of English for Academic Purposes

Severin Hochberg, Instructor
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Department of Judaic Studies

David Hockman, Adjunct Professor
Lancaster Bible College
Department of Bible & Theology

MOHAMAD HODEIB, Adjunct Instructor
Cooper Union
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Elizabeth J. Hodge, Assistant Professor
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Department of Humanities

Mark Hodge, Lecturer
Curtin University of Technology
Department of Humanities

Jane Hodges, Lecturer
University of Southern Queensland
School of Humanities and Communications

Melissa Hodges, Associate Professor
Villanova University
Department of Peace and Justice

Peter Hodgins, Associate Professor
Carleton University
School of Indigenous and Canadian Studies

Dorothy Hodgson, Professor
Brandeis University
Department of Dean`s Office

Anna Hoefnagels
Carleton University
School of Indigenous and Canadian Studies

Miriam Hoexter, Professor
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Department of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies

Nate Hoff, Assistant Professor
Dallas Theological Seminary
Department of Bible Exposition


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