Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

7663 members found

Elizabeth Hollander, Professor
SUNY Maritime College
Department of Humanities

Karie Hollerbach, Professor
Southeast Missouri State University
Department of Mass Media

Tyneka Holley, Instructor
Shaw University
Department of Humanities

Greg Hollingshead, Emeritus Professor
University of Alberta
Department of English and Film Studies

Randall Holm, Associate Professor
Providence College & Seminary
Department of Biblical & Theological Studies

Ashley Holmes, Lecturer
Central Queensland University
Faculty of Arts, Humanities & Education

SUNY Maritime College
Department of Humanities

Heather Holmes
Dallas Theological Seminary
Department of Spiritual Formation

Bruce Holsinger, Professor
University of Virginia
Department of Dean`s Office

Cornelius Holtorf, Professor
Flinders University
Department of Humanities

Livnat Holtzman, Lecturer
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan
Department of Arabic

Shannon Holzer, Assistant Professor
Houston Baptist University
School of Humanities

Melissa Holzman, Adjunct Professor
Stockton University
William T. Daly School of General Studies

Richard Hon, Assistant Professor
Dallas Theological Seminary
Department of Bible Exposition

Matthew Hone, Adjunct Professor
Stockton University
William T. Daly School of General Studies


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