Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

7663 members found

Sabrina M. Hopson, Adjunct Professor
Dallas Theological Seminary
Department of Educational Ministries & Leadership

Edward Horan
Stockton University
William T. Daly School of General Studies

Alison Horbury, Lecturer
University of Melbourne
School of Culture and Communication

Niv Horesh, Associate Professor
University of Western Sydney
School of Humanities and Languages

John Horgan, Assistant Professor
Stevens Institute of Technology
School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

Chet Horn, Associate Professor
Southwestern Christian University
Department of Humanities and Sciences

David Horn, Adjunct Professor
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Department of Practical Theology

Gregory Horn, Adjunct Professor
Union Theological Seminary
Department of Denominational Studies

Stuart Horn, Distinguished Professor
Nova Southeastern University
Division of Humanities

Trent Horn, Adjunct Professor
Holy Apostles College and Seminary
Department of Humanities

Haynes Horne, Assistant Professor
Miles College
Department of Humanities

Barbara Horner, Adjunct Professor
Stockton University
William T. Daly School of General Studies

Timothy Horner, Professor
Villanova University
Department of Peace and Justice

Sara Horowitz, Professor
York University
Division of Humanities

Kerry Horrell, Assistant Professor
Fresno Pacific University
School of Humanities, Religion


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