Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

7663 members found

Satoshi IMAI, Professors
Aichi University
Department of Humanities

Talbot Charles Imlay, Professor
Laval University
Department of Historical Sciences

Matthew Immergut, Professor
State University of New York College at Purchase
Department of Contemplative Studies

Sophia Imran, Lecturer
University of Southern Queensland
School of Humanities and Communications

Nanako Inaba, Professor
Sophia University
Faculty of Global Studies

Tjan Indrianti, Instructor
National University of Singapore
Center for Language Studies

Derya Iner, Lecturer
Charles Sturt University
Centre for Islamic Studies and Civilisation

Catherine V. Infante, Associate Professor
Amherst College
Department of Spanish

Suzanne Ingelbrecht, Research Associate Professor
Curtin University of Technology
Department of Humanities

Susan Ingram, Assistant Professor
York University
Division of Humanities

Robert Alexander Innes, Associate Professor
University of Saskatchewan
Department of Indigenous Studies

Gina Innocente, Adjunct Professor
Stockton University
William T. Daly School of General Studies

Yoko INO, Professor
Rikkyo University
College of Arts

Takehiro Inohara, Professor
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Department of Social and Human Sciences

Chikara Inoue, Professor
Kansai University
Department of Japanese Language and Literature


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