Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

7663 members found

Masatoshi KOIZUMI, Professor
Tohoku University
Department of Integrated Human Sciences

Shiori Koizumi, Senior Lecturer
Tufts University
Department of International Literary and Cultural Studies

Jacques Koko, Professor
Salisbury University
School of Humanities

Israel Kolatt, Emeritus Professor
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry

Katherine Koller, Adjunct Instructor
University of Alberta
Department of English and Film Studies

Elizabeth Kolsky, Associate Professor
Villanova University
Department of Arab and Islamic Studies

Lyn Komarzynski, Adjunct Lecturer
Curtin University of Technology
Department of Humanities

Takeaki Komatsu, Professor
Tohoku University
Department of Integrated Human Sciences

Taisaku KOMEIE, Professor
Kyoto University
Division of Behavioral Studies

Catherine Burns Konefal, Adjunct Professor
Drew University
Department of Humanities

Lily KONG, Professor
National University of Singapore
Department of Geography

Tetsuya Kono, Professor
Rikkyo University
College of Arts

Toni Kopaly , Assistant Professor
Notre Dame University, Louaize, Lebanon
Faculty of Humanities

Baruti Kopano, Associate Professor
Morgan State University
Department of Multiplatform Production

Nemira Kopp, Adjunct Professor
Stevens Institute of Technology
School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences


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