Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

7663 members found

Roger Lewis, Adjunct Lecturer
Saint Mary's University Halifax
Department of Atlantic Canada Studies

Tania Lewis, Professor
RMIT University
Division of Social and Global Studies Centre

Vek Lewis, Professor
University of Sydney
Department of Spanish

Alcess Lewis Brown, Professor
University of the Virgin Islands
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences

Abena Lewis-Mhoon, Associate Professor
Coppin State University
Department of Humanities

Heather Lewis-Weber
Temple University
Department of Humanities

Chong Su Li, Senior Lecturer
Universiti Teknologi Petronas
Department of Management and Humanities

Donald Li, Visiting Assistant Professor
Johns Hopkins University
Department of Cognitive Science

Hsin Tzu Li, Adjunct Professor
Stevens Institute of Technology
School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

Huimin Li, Lecturer
Tufts University
Department of International Literary and Cultural Studies

Jing Li, Associate Professor
Gettysburg College
Department of East Asian Studies

Jinyu Li, Senior Lecturer
Tufts University
Department of International Literary and Cultural Studies

Levente Li, Lecturer
Tufts University
Department of International Literary and Cultural Studies

Lucy Wei Li, Lecturer
University of Tasmania
School of Asian Languages & Studies

Shenwen Li, Professor
Laval University
Department of Historical Sciences


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