Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

7663 members found

Jason McCloskey, Associate Professor
Bucknell University
Department of Spanish

James McCollum, Professor
Miles College
Department of Humanities

Jimmy McCollum, Professor
Lipscomb University
Department of Event Planning

John McConchie, Lecturer
Flinders University
Department of Humanities

Patrick M. McConeghy, Professor
Michigan State University
Department of Dean`s Office

Jason R. McConnell, Adjunct Professor
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Department of Practical Theology

Alexandria McConocha
Northern Arizona University
Department of Global Languages and Cultures

Christopher McCord , Professor
Northern Illinois University
Department of Dean`s Office

AIDAN MCCOURT, Adjunct Professor
Missouri Baptist University
School of Humanities

Andrew McCowan, Lecturer
University of Technology, Sydney
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Department of French and Francophone Studies

Victor McCracken, Professor
Abilene Christian University
Department of Bible, Missions and Ministry

Lonnie McCray, Professor
Southern University at Shreveport
Department of Humanities

Cornerstone University
School of Adult & Graduate Studies

MAURA MCCREIGHT, Adjunct Lecturer
New York City College of Technology
Department of Humanities


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