Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

7663 members found

John Micewicz, Senior Lecturer
Mercy College
Department of Humanities

Tony S. L. MICHAEL, Adjunct Professor
York University
Division of Humanities

Christina B. Michaelson, Associate Professor
Le Moyne College
Department of Peace & Global Studies

Dan Michman, Professor
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan
Department of Jewish History

Susan Midalia, Associate Lecturer
Curtin University of Technology
Department of Humanities

Jeffrey Middents, Assistant Professor
American University
Department of Literature

Aldona Middlesworth, Instructor
Temple University
Department of Intellectual Heritage

Belinda Middleweek, Lecturer
University of Technology, Sydney
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

Walter Mignolo, William H. Wannamaker Distinguished Professor, Program In Literature And Romance Studies; Professor Of Cultural Anthropology
Duke University
Department of Literature

Calin-Andrei Mihailescu, Professor
University of Western Ontario
Deptartment of Modern Languages and Literatures

Tamaki Mihic, Lecturer
University of Sydney
Department of Japanese and Korean Studies

MIKE x MIKE BOWMAN, Assistant Professor
Arkansas State University
Department of Multimedia Journalism

Mona Mikhail, Professor
American University in Cairo
Department of Arab and Islamic Civilizations

Gordon S. Mikoski, Associate Professor
Princeton Theological Seminary
Department of Practical Theology

Maja Mikula, Lecturer
University of Technology, Sydney
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences


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