Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

7663 members found

Mohd Farid bin Mohd Sharif, Lecturer
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Department of Islamic Studies

Ahmad Murad bin Mohd. Noor Merican, Professor
Universiti Teknologi Petronas
Department of Management and Humanities

Megan Mohle
Dallas Theological Seminary
Department of Ministry Formation

Christine Moisset-Edelstein, Lecturer
University of Pennsylvania
Department of Francophone Studies

RM Mokgathi, Lecturer
University of Johannesburg
Department of African Language

Samuel Moki, Instructor
Montgomery College (Takoma Park Campus)
Department of Humanities

MA Moleleki, Professor
University of the Free State
Department of African Languages

Bonard Molina Garcia, Instructor
Montgomery College (Takoma Park Campus)
Department of Humanities

Gino Moliterno, Professor
The Australian National University
School of Humanities

Martina Möllering, Professor
Macquarie University
Department of Asian Languages

Susie Moloney, Associate Professor
RMIT University
Division of Centre for Urban Research

Pamela Monaco, Associate Professor
Temple University
Department of Intellectual Heritage

Gloria Monaghan, Professor
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Department of Humanities

Caitlin Monahan, Adjunct Professor
Stevens Institute of Technology
School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

Merritt Monck-Rowley, Professor
Five Towns College
Department of Liberal Arts


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