Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

7663 members found

Lilly Nortjé-Meyer, Associate Professor
University of Johannesburg
Department of Biblical and Religious Studies

Ross Norton, Lecturer
Charles Sturt University
Centre for Customs and Excise Studies

B B Nosilela, Professor
Rhodes University
School of Languages

Steven Notley, Professor
Nyack College
School of Bible and Christian Ministry

Tanya Notley, Lecturer
University of Western Sydney
School of Humanities and Languages

Kirill Nourzhanov
Australian National University
Centre for Arab & Islamic Studies

Michelle Novacco, Lecturer
Curtin University of Technology
Department of Humanities

Frank G. Novak, Professor
Pepperdine University
Division of Humanities

JACLYN NOVAK-LUTZ, Adjunct Lecturer
New York City College of Technology
Department of Humanities

Cecilia Novero, Associate Professor
University of Otago
Department of Languages and Cultures (German programme)

Andriana Novoa, Professor
University of South Florida, Tampa
Department of Humanities and American Studies

Eric Novotny, Instructor
Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Department of Asian Studies

SUNY Maritime College
Department of Humanities

Elizabeth Nsadha, Adjunct Instructor
Sacred Heart University
Department of Catholic Studies

Andrew Ntzouras, Adjunct Professor
Vanguard University of Southern California
Department of Liberal Studies


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