Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

7663 members found

Osvaldo Padilla, Professor
Samford University
School of Divinity

Michelle Paech, Instructor
Flinders University
Department of Humanities

John Paetsch, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Temple University
Department of Intellectual Heritage

Fabio Pagani, Assistant Professor
The Catholic University of America
Department of Greek and Latin

Neil Pagano, Professor
Columbia College
Department of Dean`s Office

Tullio Pagano, Associate Professor
Dickinson College
Department of Humanities

Carl Page, Professor
St John's College
Department of Humanities

Susan Page, Adjunct Professor
University of Technology, Sydney
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

Lido Paglia
Temple University
Department of Humanities

Josh Pahigian, Instructor
University of New England
School of Humanities

George S. Pahomov, Emeritus Professor
Bryn Mawr College
Department of Russian

Preetha Pai, Lecturer
University of Southern Queensland
School of Humanities and Communications

Paula Paige, Adjunct Professor
Wesleyan University
Department of Romance Languages & Literatures French

Stephanie Palazeke, Adjunct Professor
College of Saint Rose
School of Arts and Humanities

Christine Palmer, Adjunct Professor
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Department of Biblical Studies


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