Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

7663 members found

Olga S. Partan, Associate Professor
College of the Holy Cross
Department of Russian Studies

Eva Pascal, Professor
Saint Michael's College
Department of East Asian Studies

Richard Pascal, Visiting Fellow
The Australian National University
School of Humanities

Rhys Michael Pasimio, Adjunct Instructor
Multnomah Bible College and Biblical Seminary
Multnomah Bible College and Biblical Seminary

Cornerstone University
School of Adult & Graduate Studies

Michael Pasquarello
Samford University
School of Divinity

Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Department of Critical Social Studies

Mariana Past, Professor
Dickinson College
Department of Humanities

Allison Paster-Torres, Adjunct Professor
College of Saint Rose
School of Arts and Humanities

Betty Patch, Instructor
Villanova University
Department of Asian Studies

Kira Pate, Adjunct Associate Professor
Hope International University
College of Arts and Sciences

JoAnn Patel, Professor
Champlain College
Department of Humanities

John Patel, Lecturer
University of Southern Queensland
School of Humanities and Communications

Adam Paterson, Lecturer
Flinders University
Department of Humanities

Craig Paterson, Consultant
Bioethics Policy


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