Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

7663 members found

Pablo Polischuk, Senior Professor
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Department of Practical Theology

Brian Polkinghorn, Professor
Salisbury University
School of Humanities

Martin Polkinghorne
University of Sydney
Department of Asian Studies

Kathleen Pollakowski, Senior Lecturer
Tufts University
Department of Romance Studies

Vincent Pollina, Associate Professor
Tufts University
Department of Romance Studies

Teerachon Polyota, Lecturer
Srinakharinwirot University
Faculty of Humanities

Mark Polzer, Instructor
Flinders University
Department of Humanities

Natalie Polzer, Assistant Professor
University of Louisville
Division of Humanities

John Pomara, Assistant Professor
University of Texas, Dallas
School of Arts and Humanities

Art Pomeroy, Professor
Victoria University of Wellington
School of Asian & European Languages & Cultures

Gabrielle Piedad Ponce-Hegenauer, Associate Professor
Wesleyan University
College of Letters

Somkiet Poopatwiboon , Assistant Professor
Mahasarakham University
Department of Western Languages and Linguistics

Jay Pope, Associate Professor
Fresno Pacific University
School of Humanities, Religion

Sharon Pope, Lecturer
University of Southern Queensland
School of Humanities and Communications

Andrea Pope-Smith, Instructor
Point University
Department of Counseling & Human Services


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