Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

7663 members found

Vardit Rispler - Chaim, Lecturer
University of Haifa
Department of Arabic Language and Literature

Katherine Risse, Lecturer
Tufts University
Department of Romance Studies

Kenneth Ristau, Adjunct Instructor
University of Alberta
St. Joseph's College

BENJAMIN RISTOW, Associate Professor
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Department of Writing Colleague

Eugene Ritchie, Senior Instructor
Mercy College
Department of Humanities

Carol Rittner, Emeritus Professor
Stockton University
William T. Daly School of General Studies

Darlene S. Rivas, Associate Professor
Pepperdine University
Division of Humanities

Elizabeth Rivero, Professor
United States Coast Guard Academy
School of Humanities

Michael Rivest, Adjunct Professor
College of Saint Rose
School of Arts and Humanities

Charles M. Rix
New Brunswick Theological Seminary
Department of Biblical Studies

Rachel Rizzo, Adjunct Instructor
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Department of Humanities

Kendra Roach, Instructor
University of the Virgin Islands
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences

George Robb, Emeritus Professor
William Paterson University of New Jersey
Department of History, Philosophy, and Liberal Studies

David Robbins, Adjunct Professor
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Department of Practical Theology

Hollis Robbins, Professor
University of Utah
Department of English


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