Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

4504 members found

Leonore Armband, Lecturer
Universite de Montreal
Department of Literature and World Languages

Jolene Armstrong, Assistant Professor
Athabasca University
Department of Language & Literature

Marie-Sophie Armstrong, Associate Professor
Lehigh University
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures

Miguel Arnedo-Gómez, Lecturer
Victoria University of Wellington
School of Asian & European Languages & Cultures

Jean Arnold, Lecturer
Victoria University of Wellington
School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies

Gregory Aronson, Lecturer
Victoria University
School of Communication, Culture and Languages

Boaz Arpaly, Professor
Tel Aviv University
Department of Literature

Cynthia Arrieu-King, Professor
Stockton University
Department of Literature

Université de Moncton
Department of French Studies

Universite de Sherbrooke
Department of Arts, Languages ​​and Literatures

Hrishikesh Arvikar, Lecturer
The University of Queensland
Department of Communication and Cultural Studies

Nehama Aschkenasy, Emeritus Professor
University of Connecticut
Department of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages

Ira Ashcroft, Professor
Wilfrid Laurier University
Department of Languages and Literatures

Fumitake ASHINO, Associate Professor
Keio University
Department of French Literature

Jennifer Ashton, Associate Professor
University of Illinois, Chicago
Department of English


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