Patrick Sylvain, Assistant Professor Simmons University
Department of Literature and Writing
Joshua Synenko, Assistant Professor Trent University
Cultural Studies and English Literature
Ian Syson, Lecturer Victoria University
School of Communication, Culture and Languages
Ireneusz Szarycz, Professor University of Waterloo
Department of German
Polly Szatrowski, Professor University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Department of Linguistics, English as a Second Language, and Slavic Languages and Literatures
Alexis Tabensky, Lecturer University of New South Wales
Department of French
Reiko Tachibana, Associate Professor Pennsylvania State University, University Park
School of Languages and Literatures
Sara Tack, Adjunct Lecturer Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Department of Language, Literature, and Communication
Parissa Tadrissi, Professor Sonoma State University
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
Mohammad Reza Taghieh, Islamic Azad University, Branch Of Eghlid Islamic Azad University
Literature Persian Department
Martin Tailly, Lecturer Universite de Montreal
Department of Literatures and Languages of the World
Maria Tajes, Professor William Paterson University of New Jersey
Department of Language, Literature, Culture, and Writing
Hiroko Takagi, Adjunct Assistant Professor University of San Diego
Department of Languages & Literatures
Akira Takahashi, Lecturer University of San Diego
Department of Languages & Literatures
Isamu TAKAHASHI, Professor Keio University
Department of English and American Literature