Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

4504 members found

Charles Vannette, Associate Professor
University of New Hampshire
Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Inés Vañó García, Assistant Professor
Saint Anselm College
Department of Modern Languages & Literatures

Maria Vargas, Instructor
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Department of World Languages, Literatures & Cultures

Gladys M. Varona-Lacey, Professor
Ithaca College
Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Colomba Varriano, Adjunct Lecturer
CUNY College of Staten Island
Department of World Languages and Literatures

Laura Vasilyeva, Assistant Professor
Johns Hopkins University
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures

Eva Vasquez, Associate Professor
York College
Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Humanities

David Vazquez, Associate Professor
American University
Department of Literature

Gloria Vazquez, Lecturer
Auckland University of Technology
School of Languages

Nicholas Vazsonyi, Associate Professor
University of South Carolina
Department of Languages, Literatures, & Cultures

Gladys Vega, Associate Professor
William Paterson University of New Jersey
Department of Language, Literature, Culture, and Writing

Roberto J. Vela, Visting Assistant Professor
Texas A&M University, Kingsville
Department of Languages and Literatures

Hector Velarde, Professor
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Department of Modern Languages & Literatures

Brenda Carr Vellino, Associate Professor
Carleton University
Department of English Language and Literature

Wanessa Velloso, Lecturer
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Department of Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures


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