Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

4504 members found

Ian Young, Senior Lecturer
University of Sydney
Department of Hebrew, Biblical and Jewish Studies

Justin Young, Visiting Assistant Professor
Claremont McKenna College
Department of Literature

Manuel Young, Professor
Universite de Montreal
Department of Literature and World Languages

Melissa Scholes Young, Professor
American University
Department of Literature

Sandra Young, Associate Professor
Sacred Heart University
Department of Languages & Literature

Gordana Yovanovich, Professor
University of Guelph
School of Languages and Literatures

Cheun Hoe Yow, Assistant Professor
Nanyang Technological University
Division of Chinese

Amy Yu, Lecturer
Charles Darwin University
Department of Language Studies

Natalie Kon Yu , Lecturer
Victoria University
School of Communication, Culture and Languages

Shanjiang Yu, Senior Lecturer
Auckland University of Technology
School of Languages

Ekaterina Yudina, Lecturer
University of California, Riverside
Department of Comparative Literature and Foreign Languages

Suzuki Yuga, Professor
Sophia University
Department of Newspapers

Jiani Yun, Lecturer
University of Auckland
School of Asian Studies

Seungmin Yun, Associate Professor
Syracuse University
Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics

Mi Yung Park, Senior Lecturer
University of Auckland
School of Asian Studies


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