Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

6191 members found

Walter Hopp, Assistant Professor
Boston University
Department of Philosophy

David Horkott, Associate Professor
Palm Beach Atlantic University-West Palm Beach
Department of Philosophy

James R. Horne, Emeritus Professor
University of Waterloo
Department of Philosophy

Amir Horowitz, Lecturer
The Open University of Israel
Department of Philosophy

Gregg M. Horowitz, Associate Professor
Vanderbilt University
Department of Philosophy

Morgan Horowitz, Adjunct Assistant Professor
CUNY Lehman College
Department of Philosophy

Morgan Horowitz, Adjunct Professor
City University of New York--Hunter College
Department of Philosophy

Sophie Horowitz, Associate Professor
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Department of Philosophy

John Horty, Professor
University of Maryland, College Park
Department of Philosophy

Christopher Horvath, Associate Professor
Illinois State University
Department of Philosophy

Robert Horvath, Senior Lecturer
La Trobe University
Department of Philosophy

Paul Horwich, Professor
New York University
Department of Philosophy

Adam Hosein, Associate Professor
Northeastern University
Department of Philosophy & Religion

Gregory D. Hoskins
Villanova University
Department of Philosophy

Sardar HOSSEINI, Adjunct Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Philosophy


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