Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

6191 members found

Marianne Janack, Associate Professor
Hamilton College
Department of Philosophy

LAURA JANIK, Associate Professor
Western New England University
Department History, Philosophy, Political Science & Economics

Zoran Jankovic, Lecturer
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Department of Philosophy

Tim Jankowiak, Associate Professor
Towson University
Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies

Anthony Jannotta, Adjunct Professor
Bridgewater State University
Department of Philosophy

Gregory Jarrett, Lecturer
California State University, Los Angeles
Department of Philosophy

JON JARRETT, Associate Professor
University of Illinois, Chicago
Department of Philosophy

I. C. Jarvie, Emeritus Professor
York University
Department of Philosophy

Anja Jauernig, Professor
New York University
Department of Philosophy

Steven Jauss, Assistant Professor
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Department of Philosophy and Liberal Studies

Agnieszka Jaworska, Associate Professor
University of California, Riverside
Department of Philosophy

Joseph Jebari, Adjunct Lecturer
American University
Department of Philosophy

Joseph Jedwab, Associate Professor
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Department of Philosophy & Government

CHIKE JEFFERS, Associate Professor
Dalhousie University
Department of Philosophy

David Lyle Jeffery, Professor
Baylor University
Department of Philosophy


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