Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

6191 members found

Nicholas Jolley, Professor
University of California, Irvine
Department of Philosophy

Donald E. Jones, Assistant Professor
University of Central Florida
Department of Philosophy

Janine Jones, Assistant Professor
University of North Carolina--Greensboro
Department of Philosophy

Jessica Jones, Assistant Professor
Saint Vincent College
Department of Philosophy

Judith Jones, Associate Professor
Fordham University
Department of Philosophy

Theresa Jones, Adjunct Instructor
Mount Saint Mary College
Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies

Todd Jones, Associate Professor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Department of Philosophy

William B. Jones, Associate Professor
Old Dominion University
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

D. Jopling, Associate Professor
York University
Department of Philosophy

Julia Jorati, Professor
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Department of Philosophy

James N. Jordan, Professor
City University of New York--Queens College
Department of Philosophy

Jeffrey J Jordan, Associate Professor
University of Delaware
Department of Philosophy

Jessy Jordan, Professor
Mount St. Mary's University
Department of Philosophy

Kerri Jordan, Associate Professor
Mississippi College
Department of English and Philosophy

Maiya Jordan, Professor
University of Alberta
Department of Philosophy


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