Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

6191 members found

University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Department of Philosophy

Richard Kortum, Associate Professor
East Tennessee State University
Department of Philosophy and Humanities

Theodore Korzukhin, Senior Lecturer
Cornell University
Department of Philosophy

Michelle Kosch, Professor
Cornell University
Department of Philosophy

Peter Kosso, Professor
Northern Arizona University
Department of Philosophy

Matthew Kostelecky, Associate Professor
University of Alberta
St. Joseph's College

Scott Koterbay, Adjunct Professor
East Tennessee State University
Department of Philosophy and Humanities

Joseph Koterski, Associate Professor
Fordham University
Department of Philosophy

MATTHEW KOTZEN, Assistant Professor
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Department of Philosophy

Janet Kourany, Associate Professor
University of Notre Dame
Department of Philosophy

Vanya Kovach, Honorary Professor
University of Auckland
Department of Philosophy

Florida International University
Department of Philosophy

Richard Kover, Lecturer
University of Alberta
Department of Philosophy

Nathan Kowalsky, Associate Professor
University of Alberta
St. Joseph's College

Anders Kraal, Lecturer
University of British Columbia
Department of Philosophy


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