Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

6191 members found

D.L.C. Maclachlan, Professor Emeritus
Queen's University
Department of Philosophy

James Maclaurin, Professor
University of Otago
Department of Philosophy

Doug MacLean, Professor
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Department of Philosophy

Gülberk Koç Maclean, Instructor
Mount Royal University
Department of Philosophy

Alistair M. Macleod, Professor Emeritus
Queen's University
Department of Philosophy

Colin Macleod, Associate Professor
University of Victoria
Department of Philosophy

Dewar MacLeod, Professor
William Paterson University of New Jersey
Department of History, Philosophy, and Liberal Studies

Jocelyn Maclure, Professor
Laval University
Faculty of Philosophy

Coleen Ann Macnamara, Assistant Professor
University of California, Riverside
Department of Philosophy

Brian MacPherson, Lecturer
University of Windsor
Department of Interdisciplinary Programs

Brian MacPherson, Lecturer
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Department of Philosophy

Sinclair MacRae, Instructor
Mount Royal University
Department of Philosophy

Eric MacTaggart, Lecturer
Boston University
Department of Philosophy

Sean Madden, Professor
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Department of History, Philosophy and Modern Languages

MARY BETH MADER, Assistant Professor
University of Memphis
Department of Philosophy


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