Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

6191 members found

Arthur R. Madigan, Associate Professor
Boston College
Department of Philosophy

TIMOTHY MADIGAN, Associate Professor
Mansfield University of Pennsylvania
Department of History, Political Science, and Philosophy

Timothy J. Madigan, Professor
Saint John Fisher College
Department of Philosophy

J. Maffie, Assistant Professor
Colorado State University
Department of Philosophy

Billy Mag Fhloinn, Adjunct Instructor
Sacred Heart University
Department of Philosophy, Theology & Religious Studie

Mary Magada-Ward, Associate Professor
Middle Tennessee State University
Department of Philosophy

Meghan Magowan
University of Western Ontario
Department of Philosophy

Elisa Magrì, Assistant Professor
Boston College
Department of Philosophy

Sara Magrin, Associate Professor
University of Pittsburgh
Department of Philosophy

Chauncey Maher, Visiting Assistant Professor
Dickinson College
Department of Philosophy

Daniel P. Maher, Assistant Professor
The Catholic University of America
Schoole of Philosophy

Derek Maher, Assistant Professor
East Carolina University
Department of Philosophy

James Mahon, Professor
CUNY Lehman College
Department of Philosophy

James E. Mahon, Professor
Washington & Lee University
Department of Philosophy

Brendan Mahoney, Lecturer
University at Albany - SUNY
Department of Philosophy


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