Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

6191 members found

TONY MANELA, Assistant Professor
Siena College
Department of Philosophy

Giadi Mangiameli, Adjunct Professor
Fordham University
Department of Philosophy

Peter Mango, Adjunct Professor
Holy Apostles College and Seminary
Department of Philosophy

Peter Mango, Adjunct Instructor
Mount Saint Mary College
Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies

Daniel Manne, Lecturer
Cornell University
Department of Philosophy

Kate A. Manne, Associate Professor
Cornell University
Department of Philosophy

Christel Manning, Professor
Sacred Heart University
Department of Philosophy, Theology & Religious Studie

Richard Manning, Associate Professor
University of South Florida, Tampa
Department of Philosophy

Rita Manning, Professor
San Jose State University
Department of Philosophy

John P. Manoussakis, Associate Professor
College of the Holy Cross
Department of Philosophy

Neil A. Manson, Assistant Professor
University of Mississippi
Department of Philosophy and Religion

Danyal MANTI, Lecturer
Anadolu University
Department of Philosophy

David W. Manzo, Instructor
Boston College
Department of Philosophy

Sarah Maple, Assistant Professor
Mount Saint Mary College
Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies

Thomas A. Mappes, Emeritus Professor
Frostburg State University
Department of Philosophy


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