Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

6191 members found

Kenneth R. Merrill, Professor Emeritus
University of Oklahoma
Department of Philosophy

Caitlin Merritt, Adjunct Instructor
Sacred Heart University
Department of Philosophy, Theology & Religious Studie

Patrick Messina, Assistant Professor -- Philosophy
Collegium Augustinianum
Faculty of Philosophy

Robert D. Metcalf, Assistant Professor
University of Colorado Denver
Department of Philosophy

Jean-François Méthot, Professor
College Universitaire Dominicaine
Department of Philosophy

Pierre-Olivier Méthot, Associate Professor
Laval University
Faculty of Philosophy

Pierre Métivier, Emeritus Professor
College Universitaire Dominicaine
Department of Philosophy

Nathan Metzger, Adjunct Professor
Fordham University
Department of Philosophy

Nathan Metzger, Adjunct Professor
Fordham University
Department of Philosophy

Jean-Guy Meunier, Emeritus Associate Professor
Université du Québec à Montréal
Department of Philosophy

James Meyer, Associate Professor
Montana State University
Department of History and Philosophy

Matthew Meyer, Professor
University of Scranton
Department of Philosophy

Susan Sauvé Meyer, Associate Professor
University of Pennsylvania
Department of Philosophy

Thomas Meyer, Visiting Assistant Professor
Temple University
Department of Philosophy

Ulrich Meyer, Assistant Professor
Colgate University
Department of Philosophy & Religion


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