Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

6191 members found

Thomas Nadelhoffer, Assistant Professor
Dickinson College
Department of Philosophy

Steven Nadler, Professor
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Department of Philosophy

Yuji Nagamachi, Professor
Sophia University
Department of Philosophy

Thomas Nagel, Professor
New York University
Department of Philosophy

Tsutomu Nakazawa, Professor
Kansai University
Department of Philosophy and Ethics

Michael Nance, Associate Professor
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Department of Philosophy

Stephen Napier, Associate Professor
Villanova University
Department of Philosophy

Asad Naqvi, Adjunct Professor
Fordham University
Department of Philosophy

Arash Naraghi, Associate Professor
Moravian College
Department of Humanities

Jean-Marc Narbonne, Professor
Laval University
Faculty of Philosophy

Jan Narveson, Emeritus Professor
University of Waterloo
Department of Philosophy

Siobhan Nash-Marshall, Professor
Manhattanville College
Department of Philosophy

Waddah Nasr, Associate Professor
American University of Beirut
Department of Philosophy

Dalia Nassar, Associate Professor
University of Sydney
Department of Philosophy

Daniel Nathan, Associate Professor
Texas Tech University
Department of Philosophy


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